
I spent about a month or so finalizing on my little blog engine, and I'm excited to share it with you. I am very pleased with how it turned out, and I hope you enjoy it! I intend to use this blog engine to primarily assist other self-teaching creators upskill. I will be sharing all the things I have personally learnt.

At the moment, I am focusing on web development. I chose to start with Python and the Flask micro-framework. Python is the first language I picked up, and I love it! Flask, on the other hand, comes bare bones, and therefore, was so right to begin with since I had to learn everything to build any software.

Interesting Facts About This Blog

  • It is written in Python only
  • Built using the Flask micro-framework
  • Uses a tiny SQLite database to store blog contents (posts and user comments)
  • Google reCaptcha is used to protect the forms from spam
  • Custom admin dashboard to accurately manage the blog
  • Two-factor authentication is implemented in the blog
  • Moderation of comments from all users
  • Email notification whenever a user posts a comment
  • Hosted on Linode

Update (March - April 2023)

Welcome to Version 2 of my personal blog. If this is your first article, I recommend you check out the About Me page for more insight of where it all began. The first iteration (not the demo) served me well. It was a fantastic learning journey. However, at some point, the application seemed too basic and too old to me. Besides, there were some new features I really wanted to add to the blog. I thought it wise to add the new features after an update of the user interface. Below, let me walk you through the "Then" and "Now" life journey of this blog:

Version 1 (landing page) Version 2 (landing page)
Version 1 Landing Page Version 1 Landing Page
Version 1 (portofolio page) Version 2 (portofolio page)
v1 portfolio page v2 portfolio page
Version 1 (about me page) Version 2 (about me page)
v1 about me page v2 about me page
Version 1 (need help page) Version 2 (need help page)
v1 about me page v2 about me page
Version 1 (login) Version 2 (login)
v1 about me page v2 about me page
Version 1 (books) Version 2 (books)
v1 about me page v2 about me page

Besides the user interface enhancements, the new version also includes a tags system to help categorize articles. A user can also search for any article in the blog/home page. Though not shown at the moment, version 2 has a nicer-looking dashboard for administrative management of the application.

I thought this was going to a weeklong task, and I would have the updated app live in no time. Given how basic the entire design of version 1 was, the envisioned changes turned out to be the making of a brand new app from scratch. I was building a whole new app, with the challenge of pre-existing user-generated data in my database. Besides, the two new and main features of version 2 (tag system and search functionality) were fairly new concepts, and that meant more time to master them.

The outcome is satisfactory at the moment, and I intend to preserve it for a while before embarking on another significant update. I hope the new version is a lot more appealing to you, and that you can enjoy the addition of the two new features. If you have any further ideas on how I can improve the application, I wll be glad to hear from you in the comments section below.

Gitau Harrison

Comments (1)

#1 miotroyo1970 said :

I've been reading your articles, great job!!! Can't wait for more.