Implement An API Blueprint In Flask

Now that we have a solid understanding of the REST API architecture, it is time to start implementing one on a project. In the Overview article, you saw the end project, fully built with API developed for it. However, to help you learn how it was built, we will start from the bottom. I have already created a basic chat application that you can refer to as you go through this article. To compare your work with the article's final code, refer to v3.0.0-api-blueprint release on GitHub.

For your reference, these are the topics in our discussion:

Table Of Content

This article is broken down into the following subsections:


In the linked basic chat application (v1.0.0-basic-app above), no blueprints have been used. A blueprint is a logical structure that represents a subset of an application. For example, instead of bundling everything in, we can choose to separate the logic into auth for authentication-related features or errors for error-related features. Check out the v2.0.0-blueprint release. Why use a blueprint? Blueprints are fantastic for larger applications. Should I ever want to scale this application, a new project structure utilizing blueprints would be suitable.

Create An API Blueprint

To create an api blueprint, let us start by creating an empty folder called api in the app/ sub-directory.

(venv)$ mkdir app/api
# I am running this command from the application's root directory

Create a new file called in the new directory:

(venv)$ touch  app/api/

Update this new file with the following initialization:

app/api/ Initialize the API blueprint

from flask import Blueprint

bp = Blueprint('api', __name__)

from app.api import users, errors, tokens, posts

The last line requires us to create the four files (also known as modules -- they do not exist yet). They are imported at the bottom to avoid circular dependency errors.

(venv)$ cd app
(venv)app$ touch users errors tokens posts

The gist of our API is going to be in the app/api/ and app/api/ modules.

Users Resources

To begin with the app/api/ module, these are the endpoints we are going to create and work with:

HTTP Method Resource URL Description
GET /api/users/user_id Return a user based on their id
GET /api/users Return a collection of users
POST /api/users Create a new user account
PUT /api/users/user_id Modify a user of id

The API endpoints for users are going to be as follows (skeleton):

app/api/ User API resources

from app.api import bp

@bp.route('/users/<int:id>', methods=['GET'])
def get_user(id):

@bp.route('/users', methods=['GET'])
def get_users():

@bp.route('/users', methods=['POST'])
def create_user():

@bp.route('/users/<int:id>/', methods=['PUT'])
def update_user(id):

Posts Resources

The endpoints that we are going to work with on the app/api/ module are as follows:

HTTP Method Resource URL Description
GET /api/posts/post_id Return a post based on its id
GET /api/posts Return a collection of posts
POST /api/posts Create a new post
PUT /api/posts/post_id Modify the post of id

The API endpoints for posts are going to be as follows (skeleton):

app/api/ Posts API resources

from app.api import bp

@bp.route('/posts/<int:id>', methods=['GET'])
def get_post(id):

@bp.route('/posts', methods=['GET'])
def get_posts():

@bp.route('/posts', methods=['POST'])
def create_post():

@bp.route('/posts/<int:id>', methods=['PUT'])
def update_post(id):

@bp.route('/posts/<int:id>', methods=['DELETE'])
def update_post(id):

Something about the posts APIs is that the posts have to be linked to a user. For example, in the POST method (while working with posts APIs), we need to ensure that a post is made by a logged-in user identified by their id. This post will be associated with them. Similarly, when interacting with a post (say to update or delete one), a logged-in user can only do so to posts they have authored.

Errors Module

We can define a few helper functions to deal with error responses. To begin, let us add the following:

app/api/ Deal with error responses

def bad_request():

Tokens Module

This is where the authentication subsystem is going to be defined. We will provide an alternative way for clients who are not web browsers to log in.

app/api/ API authentication module

def get_token():

def revoke_token():

Register API Blueprint With The Factory Function

Finally, to complete the setup process, we can now register the API blueprint with the application factory function:

app/api/ Register API blueprint with factory function

# ...

def create_app(config_class=Config):
    app = Flask(__name__)

    # ...

    from app.api import bp as api_bp
    app.register_blueprint(api_bp, url_prefix='/api')

    # ...


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